Lotus Notes and Collaboration: Le plus ça Change
Work in oyqanizations is becoming increusingiy focused on collubomtive work in #roups. Groupwclre is widely touted us the information technology that cun support this new mode of work by fostering colluborution. In a study of Lotus Note.?, u populur Rroupwure product. implemented throughout the professionul stuff of u lurge Americun insumnce company. we found the impact of groupwure to be somewhut different from whut many might have expected. While almost everyone wus quite pleased with the Notes” implementation una’ its perceived impact, there wus no evidence of u chunge in the degree of colluborution urrwng orguttizution members. Two key themes ure e.xplored us possible e,xpkunutions for this result.. jit of the technology co the orgunizution, and ‘limited truininf in how best to use this new technology.
منابع مشابه
Vygotsky in a TeamRoom: An Exploratory Study on Collective Concept Formation in Electronic Environments
Effective use of distributed collaboration environments requires shared mental models that guide users in sensemaking and categorization. In Lotus Notes -based collaboration systems, such shared models are usually implemented as views and document types. TeamRoom, developed at Lotus Institute, implements in its design a theory of effective social process that creates a set of team-specific cate...
متن کاملShortest path poset of finite Coxeter groups
We define a poset using the shortest paths in the Bruhat graph of a finite Coxeter group W from the identity to the longest word in W , w0. We show that this poset is the union of Boolean posets of rank absolute length of w0; that is, any shortest path labeled by reflections t1, . . . , tm is fully commutative. This allows us to give a combinatorial interpretation to the lowest-degree terms in ...
متن کاملReview of Computer-Supported Collaborative Work Systems
The advent of computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW) systems significantly impacts group collaboration. This paper reviews three CSCW systems: Lotus Notes, Xerox DocuShare, and SevenMountains Integrate. We focus on their different capabilities and uses in distributed group projects.
متن کاملDeveloping Guidelines for Effective On-line Collaboration
In the last few years, the Web has been increasingly used to not only share existing knowledge, but to create opportunities for knowledge generation through collaboration. Collaboration can occur asynchronously (for example, through e-mail) or synchronously using software packages known as "groupware." Groupware packages (e.g., Lotus Notes, Microsoft Exchange, Netscape Suite Spot, and Novell Gr...
متن کاملUnderstanding Information Technology Implementation Failure: An Interpretive Case Study of Information Technology Adoption in a Loosely Coupled Organization
This paper uses the theory of loose coupling to explain failure in the adoption of an information technology aimed at improving collaboration across one organization’s internal boundaries. The research details an interpretive case study of a single organization, MacGregor Crane, in which relatively autonomous individuals are only loosely connected in terms of their daily interactions. The compa...
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